Jun 7, 2010

pea vine, green garlic and asparagus soup

Who knew pea vines were edible?
My CSA and all the farmers that grow the stuff! The pea vine tastes like ... peas. The box also brought asparagus. At Whole Foods this morning green garlic has finally made a showing. It is mild enough to complement the pea vine and asparagus, so I figured they would be a good combo. And it is Monday and Monday is Soup Night.
It was a phenomenal soup with four measly ingredients:
onion, green garlic, asparagus and pea vine. All three main ingredients were flavorful without being overpowering. The bread slices were just sprayed with a little olive oil and when toasted, I rubbed them with the bulb end of a green garlic. 

Cost Breakdown:
 onion: $.50
green garlic: $2.50
asparagus: CSA, less than $3
pea vine: CSA, less than $2
whole wheat bread: $2.50

Total to feed a family of 5:


Jun 6, 2010

schlotzkys-style sandwich

We are originally from Texas, where Schlozkys was founded. In fact, my husband came with the love of this fast food joint. They are famous for their sourdough sandwich bread, reminiscent of a sourdough English muffin. We are no longer in Texas, and no longer omnivorous either, for that matter, but we still love this sandwich! While I was making the sausage yesterday, I also made Bryanna Clark-Grogan's salami - an ingredient on the Original Schlotzkys Sandwich. Of course we all liked it, as before when I've made this, but this time I used all whole wheat flour, and although still tasting great, it was a little crumbly. I also used hemp milk, which shouldn't affect it, but more experimentation is required.
Poor, unfortunate family.

Cost breakdown:
Homemade bread: $1.50
Seitan: $1
Tofurkey: $2
Tomato, lettuce, olives, onion, pickles: $3
Vegenaise and Daiya: $2.50
Total for 5 large sandwiches: